What is Keyword Research in SEO?

What IS Keyword Research in SEO ?

In Previous Blog Fundamentals Of SEO

We Looked into the Major 5 Steps Of SEO:-

  • Keyword Research – From this, you can find what people are searching for.
  • Content Creation – Create an Engaging & Quality content for Audience
  • On-Page SEO – Create A Crisp & clear content
  • Link Building – Build Trustworthy Links with Other Website
  • Technical SEO – It helps Search engine finds you on a website

In this Blog, we will start with Step One which is Keyword Research

We will Get To Know

What is Keyword Research?
Why Keyword Research is Important?

Keywords Are Known As the Main Pillar Of SEO.

If Nobody wants to Know and Nobody is Searching for What You Are Writing About Then You Won’t Get Any Traffic From Google.
No Matter How Quality of Content You Are Uploading.

That’s Why Understanding Keyword Research is One Of The Most Important And Essential Parts Of SEO.

And Keyword Research is not Rocket Science, You can Easily Learn it If You Follow a Proper Roadmap For it.

So Let’s Delve into

What is Keyword Research?

If you are a beginner in SEO, You Probably be wondering What keyword research even is !!

Keyword Research is the Process of Searching Valuable Search Queries That Your Targeted Customers Are Searching For.

In Simple Terms, You will get an idea of what exact query people are searching for your products and services.

For Example –

Mr. X is Owning A Business Of Cake Shop.

What IS Keyword Research

If He is Searching For Local Clients Then What Do You Think –
What Keyword Will Be Best For Him??

  1. Chocolate Cake Recipe
  2. Best Cake Shop Near Me

Obviously Number 2

Because the “Cake Shop Near Me” Search Query is More Relevant To Him

This is How Keyword Research Work and You Can Get Better Results From it.

Let’s Get To Know Why Keyword Research is Important

Why Keyword Research is Important?

If You Publish Content On Google That No One is Searching for
Then what’s The Use Of That Content?
That Article Will Not Get Any traffic From Google or another search engine.

Almost 91% Of Website users do the same thing resulting in Getting Zero Traffic to Their Websites.

See statistics below ( According To Google Report )

Percentages Of Google Traffic By Result Pages

Keyword Research Helps you ensure that what people are Looking for and What You have to give them.

Thus, If your Page Ended Up Ranking well For its Targeted Keyword Then You Can Get Consistent Traffic To Your Page !!

Hurray !! You have completed the Keyword Research Series Part 1

We Will discuss how to Do Keyword Research In the Next Part Of This Blog.

Follow Our Beginner’s SEO Guide Blog Series For More Insights On Fundamentals Of SEO

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